Monday, December 6, 2010

Films 50-41

50. Brick

I couldn't possibly complete this list without adding a Joseph Gordon-Levitt indie flick. Alone, this film wouldn't have made my Top 50. But I added it in a way to mention Miracle at St. Anna, The Lookout, and Uncertainty. This film is my favourite of the four, a high school stylish film noir with a great performance by JGL. It gets cheesy at times, but it's a simple, fun movie that is sure to entertain you.

49. Equilibrium

This film shows more than a few similarities to George Orwell's 1984 (Okay, let's face, it's a straight up rip-off). However, it's still worthy of this list because when I first saw it I was talking a class in Social and Political Philosophy. This film is loaded with pretty much everything I was learning at the time and I found it to be neat in that regard. I re-watched it and it's kinda hokey, but it combines two great movies, The Matrix and 1984. Not everyone will like it, but it'll at least entertain you.

48. The Escapist

Prison movies are among my favourite types of movies. The isolated environment provides an excellent way to analyze people and societies. This one is no different, and yet still unique. It's your basic prison-break movie, but Brian Cox steps in and delivers a great performance in the lead role. I can't really say much more than because I might ruin a good ending, although I'm sure there are people out there who will say the ending was bad.

47. The Wackness

Remember the 90s? Well, if you were alive during that decade and remember anything, then this movie will bring back a bunch of memories for you. The music, the slang, and the fashion. Aside from the setting, this movie is about a young drug dealer with troubles finding love and is suffering from depression. Ben Kingsley makes a good role character as his customer and shrink. This is a solid coming-of-age film that you're likely to enjoy more if you can relate somewhat to the main character.

46. Four Lions

Is it too soon to make jokes about terrorism? No, definitely not, not with this film around. This is a film that follows an inept group of terrorists as they try to blow themselves up and take innocent civilians with them. Not your normal set-up for a comedy, but I'm glad someone took a chance and made this film anyway. Just watch the trailer, and you won't be able to stop yourself from trying to track down your nearest copy to watch the whole thing. This is among my favourite films of 2010.

45. Red Riding Trilogy

A gritty trilogy telling the real-life story of a serial killer in Northern England and the investigation in the decade that followed. Sounds like some similar movies, such as Zodiac, but really worth checking out. Each movie follows a different person and a different year of the investigation. Ya, there's a serial killer mystery, but what these films are really trying to show you is the north of England, and how little the law matters in comparison to the powers that be.

44. Mystery Team

If you know who Derrick Comedy is, then you've probably already seen this movie. If you don't know who they are, then you're probably looking at this film and wondering why it would make any Top 50 list. A movie about teenagers trying to solve mysteries sounds stupid, even for a G-rated kids movie. This isn't a kids movie though, it's rated R...but yes, it is stupid, in a very good way. It somehow mixes g-rated and r-rated humour, and pulls it off pretty well. With no discernible target audience its no wonder why this didn't do very well, but if you're looking for a laugh, look no further.

43. Southland Tales

I've been told my numerous people that this is one of the worst movies ever made. I disagree but I see where they're coming from. I really don't know how to describe it, it's a sci-fi movie with dream-like sequences, bad writing, bad characters, and an overall fun atmosphere. I couldn't really tell you what it was about or how it ended, but I liked it anyway. You might hate it, but this isn't your Top 50, it's mine, and I enjoyed every bit of this film. Also worth pointing out, same director as Donnie Darko.

42. Valhalla Rising

This is first of three Nicolas Winding Refn movies on this list. If you don't know who that is, it's time for you to find out. This movie might not be your cup of tea though. Don't be fooled by the trailer, just about every action scene in this 90 minute movie in contained in that 2 minute trailer. It is long and slow and quiet. This movie requires patience. That said, Mads Mikkelson is a bad-ass in the lead role and this movie shows why he's one of my favourite actors. This is imagery, meditation, war, religion, and a whole lot more....but beware, this movie requires a brain and some reflection time.

41. Defendor

There are many opportunities for this movie to be made into a generic, Hollywood, little-man fights big evil bad guys story. What makes this a good movie, is that it never does. Woody Harrelson plays a semi-retarded man who picks up his WWI trench club and fights crime. Lime juice, marbles, slingshots...these are only a few of the weapons at his disposal....and yet, through it all there is a very realistic feel to it all. This story is funny, touching, and almost inspiring. This is by far Woody Harrelson's greatest performance.

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