Monday, December 6, 2010


I have been recently inspired to create my own list after reading THIS blog which contained a personal Top 100 Songs of 2010 list. As my area of interest is film and because I always love recommending obscure films to other people, I've decided to create a list of my favourite obscure films from the last decade. When I say 'decade' I actually mean 2000-2010. This is technically 11 years, but they are both nice neat numbers and 'decade' sounds good for the title. Plus, 2000 was a good year and I didn't want to exclude it.

'Obscure' Defined:

It's hard to say what an obscure film actually is. I was going to use Limited Release films only, but I didn't want to look them all up. So, I went through The List. I've rated 1580 films (and counting) on a site called Criticker. It's a list I'm quite proud of. I went through it and picked out films that I thought people wouldn't know of and that I rated higher than 70. This narrowed it down to 87 films, and I had a pretty hard time trimming that down to the 50 that ended up on here. The result of this method is that there are some films that are probably decently-known on this list, and there are also some good, but unknown, films that I still left off because I felt they were too popular. Needless to say, this list isn't perfect.

There is a pretty wide variety of films on this list, so there should be something for everyone. I've linked trailers to each of the films so I hope you check some of these out. The best movies out there rarely come to a theatre near you, you have to go looking for them.

                                                       #50-41  #40-31  #30-21  #20-11  #10-1

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